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Our film production for schools

Our film production for schools

Math Shows, with its film production company Feel Center srl (www.feelcenter.it), ha prodotto 3 film:

  • The Garden of Numbers (2016) a film for primary school kids, carried out with the scientific and educational collaboration of the Opera Nazionale Montessori and of the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR). The math contents of the film have been decided according to the indications given by MIUR on curricula of primary school.

  • The Math Gang (2015), a Sci-Fi film for middle school kids (from 11 to 14 years old). In the film Euclide, Archimede, Pitagora, Cartesio come to life, evoked by Leonard, a young rebel who, in a dystopian future world, opposes the power of beauty, culture and math to the dominance of a digitalized society. During film production, innovative instruments for visual effects and a software for manipulating and “cartooning” images have been employed.

  • The Direction of Time (2015) a film co-produced with RAI CINEMA for high  schools kids. A physic teacher, in order to arouse his pupils’ interest in science and physics, engages 5 of them in an role-plying experiment. The students fill the shoes of the scientists who developed the 5 equations that changed the world: Newton, Bernoulli, Faraday, Clausius, Einstein.

  • A fourth film titled A journey with Leonardo is under development  for RAI CINEMA



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00184 Roma
+39 348 3518715